The Landing Place.

Here you're driving towards a life where you feel empowered to grow, heal, and truly thrive.

A Haven of Safety

The very heart of the name is a reflection of what I cherish most in my practice: creating a haven of safety for you.

Imagine me as your trusted companion in the passenger seat. While you're in control, steering toward your therapeutic goals, I'm right here with you—guiding, providing support, and holding your hand through the stormier parts of your journey.

Our time together is about more than therapy; it's about crafting a space where you can freely explore, heal, and blossom at your own pace.

Here, you can rest, heal, and grow. Welcome to The Landing Place

Schedule a Consultation


Throughout my own journey in therapy, starting as a teenager, I've come to understand the profound importance of feeling secure and supported. It's from this personal experience that I draw my commitment to ensuring that every aspect of our sessions together prioritizes your sense of safety, making it the cornerstone of our work together.


Anxiety Disorders


Building Self Esteem and Self Worth


Suicidal Ideation


How to Get Started

Step 1

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation call to ensure that we would be a good match and for you to ask any and all questions.

Book a consultation here >

Step 2

If after the consultation call, we both feel we might be a good fit together, we will book an intake session for me to learn more about you and the struggles that have brought you to counseling.

Book an Intake Session here >

Step 3

Regular Sessions: If after the first session, I feel I am appropriately qualified and trained to meet your needs and you feel like this might be a safe place for you to land, we can book sessions going forward on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Disclaimer: I only require we meet at this frequency in the beginning of the therapy process, as I have seen through my experience this is the best way to build a quality relationship and get started on your goals.